Club Class Mini-Suites
Background: Club Class Mini-Suites are a new stateroom category featuring:
Premium stateroom location
Exclusive Club Class Dining
Priority embarkation & disembarkation at the beginning and end of your cruise
The Princess Luxury Bed
Complimentary one-time wine set-up on embarkation day, 1/2 bottle of red and 1/2 bottle of white
Priority specialty dining reservations
Complimentary premium evening canapés upon request
Upgraded terry shawl bathrobes The Objective: To communicate the benefits of sailing in a Club Class Mini-Suite which comes at a higher price point than a regular mini-suite.
Plus all the comforts of a standard Mini-Suite
Note: Full Suite guests also receive all the benefits of Club Class.
The Challenge: Club Class Mini-Suites are the same interior and physical room as a standard Mini-Suite sold at a higher price point due to their premium location and premier dining benefits. The challenge is to effectively communicate the value of these additional services and benefits to justify the price increase to consumers.
The Objective: To clearly communicate the value of sailing Club Class in an easy to understand, memorable and comprehensive way.
The Plan: Utilize iconography to communicate the laundry list of benefits that are exclusive to a Club Class guest. Highlight Club Class Dining as the main benefit knowing that dining is one of the most influential factors in a positive guest experience onboard.
The Creative: We created a sizzle reel (shown above) to visually explain the benefits which was utilized on at conferences and for the press. In addition we also created a series of e-flyers, both new and updated to help travel agents explain to prospective guests all the benefits of Club Class. As well as a few onboard touchpoints to help reinforce the Club Class messaging for guests already onboard.

Onboard Touchpoints - These were particularly challenging because we only had budget to print Club Class materials onboard. Because of this the creative had to be 1 color while still conveying a luxurious, elevated look and feel in alignment with the VIP experience that comes with sailing Club Class.

Onboard printed bi-fold placed on the nightstand in Club Class Mini-Suites as a reminder of all the benefits they can receive onboard.
Wine Card - Placed on the tray of the wine setup as a reminder that they are receiving the wine as part of the Club Class Mini-Suites benefits package.

Signage, Menu, & Napkins - Branded signage at the private Club Class Dining area entrance. Leather menu folio with de-bossed logo. Embroidered cloth napkins.